New Living Translation
Read, Believe, and Receive!
The Gospel of John tells of the life of Jesus Christ. It was written by the Apostle John.
How to use this book
* Read it a few times. Memorise parts that speak to you. Study this book every day. (Later get a complete Bible to learn much more.) Share what you have learned with your friends.
* God made humans to be part of his Loving Family. Sin has broken this fellowship.
* This Gospel tells of God’s Son - Jesus - who came to this earth as a Perfect Man. He was killed by being crucified. He took the punishment that I deserve for my sins on his shoulders – and now I can be forgiven and become part of God’s family again.
‘These things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. And that by believing in him you will have everlasting life.’ (John 20:31)
He himself said: “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings... And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:31-32)
In this booklet you will find printing in ITALICS, in BOLD-FACE, and in UNDERLINED.
The verses in ITALICS tell you who Jesus Christ really is.
The verses in BOLD tell you of God’s Love and Forgiveness.
The verses UNDERLINED tell you how to grow as a Christian.
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This edition of John’s Gospel (not for sale) is published by the Dips’n
Trust. NZ, and taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright 1996.2004 and is used by permission (2006) of Tyndale
House Publishers., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.