Ethics Morals Virtues : Dear Reader

Dear Reader
We live in a world where we are encouraged to “find yourself”; do what feels good to you; please yourself; you are your own authority; there are no absolutes; forget the 10 Commandments; there is no “here-after”; be your own god; pleasure in this life is the only ‘ultimate’. This is called “Hedonism”. It drives many to suicide as there appears to be no worthwhile goals.  

But there is SALVATION for individuals! To be found, through repentance of sin and trusting in the Power of the Blood. Christ Jesus is our one and only Redeemer. Our lives then must become a challenging testimony to our friends around us through a strong Biblical learning on Christian Growth and Character Building. And each generation must receive this as a fresh and appropriate challenge: How can Jesus be seen in me?

This unique study of Ethics, Morals and Virtues is an honest endeavour to provide help in Christian character building, thus glorifying Our Lord.

We start with the famous VIRTUE scripture in Philippians ch.4; verses 4-9. We have printed in Bold the King James Version and added in italics the variations that other translators have considered to expand our understanding. (Study it carefully.)

Verse 4. Rejoice be joyful, glad, delight yourself in the Lord, always; and again I say Rejoice.

Verse 5. Let your moderation, humility, gentleness, your considerateness, your forbearing spirit, patience, your well intended kindness, be known to all men, The Lord is at hand, coming soon.

Verse 6. Be careful for nothing let no care trouble you, do not worry about anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be known unto God. Under all circumstances, tell God every detail of your needs, by prayer and earnest pleading, joined with thanksgiving, make your needs known to God.

Verse 7. And the Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, surpasses all our dreams or comprehension, shall keep, guard your hearts and minds understanding, through Christ Jesus.

Verse 8. Finally Brethren, here is a last piece of advise,  
  • whatsoever things are true all that rings true, 
  • whatsoever things are honest and honourable, dignified and worthy of reverence,  
  • whatsoever things are just, 
  • whatsoever things are pure what is right and pure, 
  • whatsoever things are lovely endearing and loveable,  
  • whatsoever things are of good report gracious and kindly spoken, and good things in others,...if there be any virtue, and if there be any worthy of praise and honour, think on these things, cherish the thoughts of  these things, and dwell on them.

 Verse 9. Those things which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen of me, do: Model your conduct on all that you have learnt and received and saw in me. Let it fashion your life. and the God of peace shall be with you.

  • ETHICS: is the study of that which is classed as morally right or wrong, good or bad; in a person, society, science or government.
  • MORALS: are the actions based on a code set down in Nature or in Religious teachings.
  • VIRTUES: are based on a conscious effort to do the right thing, i.e. it is character building under pressure:
 1) Prudence,
 2) Temperance,
 3) Fortitude,
4) Justice; plus the three Christian ones,
5) Faith,
6) Hope and
7).Love (charity)

Some see the first 4 encapsulated in the last 3. Good and evil is battling in all of us. The ‘natural man’ finds it often impossible to win this battle. But Christians who have repented and turned in faith to Christ as their Saviour and Lord, receive the Holy Spirit as their new Teacher. They receive His guidance through the Scriptures and in meditation and prayer. It is then that we learn to see Morals, Ethics and Virtues in a sharper light. Having studied the topics
below we need to apply them in our daily lives.

As we study Ethics (right or wrong), based on a code of Morals (behaviour); the results will be revealed in the way we practice Virtues, (the 7 character qualities) in day-to-day faith and actions.

Notes: The subjects are “character-streaks” and can be seen to fit under the three headings that will produce qualities of Virtues. At first glance it may appear that some topics are duplicated, but careful reading will show different aspects. Under each “Character” is listed the “Positive aspect” (in italics) then the “Negative aspect” (in brackets) followed by “Study” with Biblical example/Biblical teaching, and Bible references. Some space has been left following each topic for you to ad scriptures or comments.